Steps Home Assist Health is Taking to Prevent COVID-19
Social Distancing and Spread Prevention: Office visitors will be restricted to employees, members, applicants, and building management who are symptom and fever free. In cases where vendors, or other business affiliates are unable to meet virtually, or telephonically office-based appointments may be considered. Office lobby area will be limited to a maximum of 5 visitors at one time. Training classes will be limited to new trainings only with a maximum of 8 participants. Recertifications are suspended for the time being.
Communication: Office signage, EVV messaging, emails, mailers, lobby slides, and newsletters will be circulating frequently. Information will focus on prevention, news updates, preparedness plan updates, and messaging that will help to de-escalate panic.
Monitoring for illness: To avoid inadvertently spreading viruses, employees who are not feeling well and with fever will be required to take sick time or available paid time off until they are fever free without medications for 24 hours. COVID-19, has an approximate 5.1 days incubation period and symptoms may not appear 2-14 days after exposure. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath.
Telecommuting/Teleconferencing: If an office employee has had direct exposure and/or is being tested for COVID-19 but is symptom free they may be eligible to work remotely. This accommodation will be provided at the discretion of their Director and Human Resources. Whenever possible meetings with external affiliates and vendors will be virtual or by teleconference. In accordance to AHCCCS, Home Assist Health will make tele-visits available to supervisors to help reduce the risk of exposure.
Education and Inform: Communications and in-service training will address sick time policy, universal precautions, sources of exposure, prevention, recognizing symptoms, and response if an exposure has been suspected. In addition, office staff will be provided guidance for monitoring and reporting COVID-19 Exposure in accordance with CDC and ADHS.
Sharing of food and drink: Potlucks and sharing of foods and/or drinks is suspended during this time to prevent unnecessary spreading of any and all viruses.
Personal Protective Equipment: Home Assist Health will continue to provide PPE as it has in accordance to exposure control training for universal precautions. Home Assist Health will provide additional PPE as recommended by the CDC and ADHS. This may include equipment for Members who are being tested or have tested positive for COVID-19.